Honey Buyers

Want to buy some Raw Honey?

You’ve come to the right place!

RawHoney.com.au will put you in direct contact with beekeepers and shops that have Raw Honey to sell.

Here’s how to find your closest beekeeper or shop. On the home page:

Drag and Zoom the map

Use your mouse to drag the map around by holding down your mouse button and moving your mouse.


To zoom in, double click your mouse button. Double click again to keep zooming.


To zoom out, either click on the “-” button on the map, or press your “-” on the keyboard

Use the Search Box



The search box has 4 items you can fill in. You don’t need to fill them all in.


Know the name of the Beekeeper or Shop? Type their name in here.


This will reposition the map quickly to the state that you choose


If you allow, we’ll use your current geographic location to search. The search can be up to a 100km radius

Use My Location



If you click on the “My Location” icon at the bottom left of the map, we’ll position the map to where you are right now and search within 100km.


DistanceYou can adjust the searchable area by dragging on the round red circle on the edge of the blue search range circle.